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Location: Tulsa, OK, United States

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Break Out the Christmas Music!!

Here we go. My first non child related post!! What a concept! My husband and I went to the Jim Brickman concert last night and it was fabulous. It was so relaxing to just sit and listen. He had 3 guests with him, Jake Simpson, Victoria Shaw and David Klinkenberg -a violinist. They were all such a wonderful mix and sounded great. Unfortunately we could not take pictures in the theatre so the pictures I have attached are the best that I can do. This is the program that we received resting on my great grandmothers piano. I have always wanted to learn how to play and need to make more of an effort to try my hand at it. I hope my daughter will be interested and we can start her on lessons next year. I tried today to go pick up his new Christmas CD at Target but they were sold out. I will have to try again soon. I can't wait. I will be pulling out all of my christmas music tomorrow!!

We also had family visiting this week which was really nice but I think we are all exhausted. We had so many activities going on all week. We went to Philbrook Museum for the Festival of Trees which was more like a Festival of Gingerbread houses that were adorable. I think they only had about 10-15 trees. We also did alot of shopping, alot of catching up, football watching and not enough sleep! Erics sister, her husband and the kids came as well as Erics cousin Kelly. It was great to have a house full but sure was not fun to fight over the chairs!! We all watched the OU game today -- on the edge of our seats. Boy that was a nail biter all the way to the end.

I also am almost finished with one of my first knitting projects that is a gift. Emma had to help me figure out what was wrong with the pattern today but I think we got it. I only have a little bit left and hope to finish it this week!! I will post a picture when I am done.


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